A lot of the projects Artifex RDE takes on seem very different from each other; it can range from pet to medical to fashion to art - to anything really. Even though all of these don’t seem like they connect with each other in terms of mechanical design and product development, they do. How else would the company constantly be able to execute a product beautifully without connecting the dots?
When I first started working here, I was worried if I had enough engineering design skills to apply to each project. I forgot the basics I learned in school would be the basis of all my work today. There are several projects happening now: a sprayer for the Lunatec Bottles, joint design for RealDoll, and housing for the Abstat Gateway just to name a few. These fall into hiking and outdoor, doll, and medical industry respectively. To start off on any of these projects, It’s important to remember each product is going to go through the same lifecycle:
initial, development, testing, production and end of life.
Each project spends a different amount of time in each part of the lifecycle, but these are the general steps. Not every product makes it through each step, but when it does, it has the potential to be golden.
Who couldn’t use some more gold, right?
In each of these projects, mechanical engineering concepts overlap, even though they seem very different. For example, stress testing was done on the collar snaps for RealDoll and the bezel for the Abstat Gateway. The collar’s purpose is to hold two joints in one direction but allow it to move in another direction. The purpose of the bezel is to hold the LCD screen in place and be able to snap onto the case. Each had different purposes but I was able to use beam analysis to execute the different goals. Just look at the similarities in geometry below.
RealDoll Collar:
Close up of the snap design:
Collar in Assembly:
Abstat Gateway Bezel: The bezel is shown in black
Bezel installed into front case:
Section view of front case and bezel:
Close up of snap design:
You can see the similarities, right?
So what I learned is to not forget how basic engineering principles overlap one another. New products initially seem difficult to design, but broken down, it is all learned engineering principles applied to different parameters.